Saturday, June 12, 2010

Major Distress Call: re National Veterans Home

U.S. Flag Code - Sec. 8.
a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down,
except as a signal of dire distress in instances of
extreme danger to life or property.
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
Veterans property at the Los Angeles National Veterans Home is in extreme danger and so are the lives of 20,000 homeless Veterans who are forced to live on the dangerous streets of LA, even though this is their rightful “Home.” 

Please read the attached "Major Distress Call" and set aside Sunday, June 13th, 2010, and join the Veterans Grand Rally to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."
This is a major call to action because Disney is sponsoring another "Celebrity Carnival Fundraiser" on Veterans sacred land, and it is not for the benefit of Veterans.  How can patriotic Americans sit by quietly and allow this to happen while thousands of our Veterans are denied access to their rightful "Home?"
It's time to stand up for Veterans and demand that our government stop abusing and misusing this land at the National Veterans Home and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."
Show up every Sunday at our Rallies, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, but do not miss June 13th.
Bring your family and friends.

VVAW VA Land Grab Campaign Kick-off, 2009

For full information on this issue and this Distress Call: