Friday, September 28, 2007 Betray Us Vs Patreaus

Betrayal is in the eyes of the beholder, or; context is everything…
Willie Hager
xbetray 1: to lead astray 2: to deliver to an enemy by treachery 3: to fail and desert esp. in time of need...Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

The last time that I tread in these waters, there weren’t just ripples; there was, relatively speaking, a resultant tsunami of vindictive rhetoric (ABC'S SPIN ON 9/11 ). Therein lies the culturally and politically destructive nature of Political Correctness and Political Spin (see Don't Think of an Elephant, George Lakoff , ironically; an apparent move-on founder) and lock-step politics. My pen now, once again, says Engarde! to those enemies of Truth who wield the swords of political spin.

In this particular instance, the literary gauntlet is thrown at the feet of Today, one of the major political foils now currently in service to the Democratic Party. Somewhere in the fog of the Blogosphere, has transformed itself from a pioneer grassroots electronic Community Meeting Hall and soap-box for Truth, as seen through the eyes of the Beholders of those Truths. Beholders who before the advent of the Blogosphere and the creation of groups such as Move-on and Alter-net, had seemingly very little input into the public debate on issues that directly effected their day to day lives.

Beholders of Truth who made Move-on a cyber-media giant. Before groups like Move-on, there was no voice for the unwashed masses. Sadly, the Move-on of today's political content is controlled by the mainstream media's and party political operatives' choice of issues; not the Grassroots'. And, even more sadly, is now directly in the hands (pockets) of the Democratic Party, and no longer in the service of those unheard and disenfranchised voices of the politically downtrodden; The Grassroots. Move-on had originally created a cyber-port into which anyone with something to say could guide their cyber-sled, and be heard when they got there. A cyber-port that developed the ability to seriously impact social and political thought at the grassroots level…in my mind; the most important political base of all. This transformation was much like "mild man and reporter, Clark Kent" stepping into the phone booth and then bursting forth from it as Superman, an ever vigilant threat to evil doers of all stripes.

Move-on’s first major political impact came about when they focused their agenda on support of Cindy Sheehan’s emotionally powerful message, back when she was encamped out on Bush's doorstep in Crawfordville, Texas (see For Move-on, she was an immediate Blogosphere “hit generator”. One that demonstrated that the anti-Iraq and anti-Bush True Believers and the anti-war types out there had finally found some traction, with Cindy as their poster person. This was a successful tactic, and it sent Move-on's hit counters spinning out of control! Thier cyber-ratings and political influence soared in geometric proportions, much to the thanks of the Cindy Sheehan spirited campaign for peace, as did Democratic Party Grassroots support. And then, just as suddenly, driven by Democratic Party dwindling supporter donations due to internal divisiveness on party direction with regards to the Iraq war, and in face of the up-coming Presidential elections in '08; unscrupulous Democratic Party operatives eased Cindy off the platform, and off the agenda. Move-on chilled it's jets on Cindy as a result of this in-house Democratic Party power struggle with Cindy and those who marched at her side. The one that ended up with very public "Resignation" by Cindy of her anti-war leadership role. They simply dumped her over the side, and sailed off into the sunset, hand in pocket.
This Party loyalty put Move-on in tight cahoots with the Democratic Party power brokers who, ultimately, through major Democratic Party contributions and techno-cyber corporate funding; politically co-opted Move-on’s site, took control of their agenda and used Cindy’s commitment and resultant political rage to further their own agenda, as well. So much for the grassroots. To my mind, as one of those grassroots voices; this was a major sell-out of principle.
Together, shrouded in that fog of the blogosphere, they became a powerful alliance, with Cindy Sheehan as the unifying standard bearer (see Her courageous actions were the earliest attempts by anybody to foster a cohesive anti-war strategy regarding Iraq, and to bring cohesion to a badly fragmented since the '80s (see Cracker Swamp Manifesto) Democratic Party base. Today, however, despite these major successes; and the Democratic Party are uneasy with the company of the likes of Cindy Sheehan and her supporters, and, for the most part, consider them as loose cannons. is no longer a premier soap-box for the unwashed masses. It is now a powerful political foil employed for the most part by the Democratic Party to further it’s political agenda, leading up to the ’08 Presidential election. Superman has managed to sully the bright red cape...and all that it stood for, with smudges of political and economic opportunism.
The Democratic Party is now using in their public personal attacks on General Patreaus in their efforts to undermine his credibility with the American people regarding his character. They present no documentable facts that I am aware of, nor do they provide any viable alternatives to counter his arguments. Instead, they offer 527 funded, unfounded public insults that they are hoping will take America’s objective and pragmatic eye’s and ears away from the conclusions of Patreaus's report to Congress and the American people. A job for which he was Presidentially commissioned, and Congressionally approved for by The People's elected Representatives and Senators, to research and report back to Congress and the nation, regarding his assessment of the current situation on the ground, in Iraq. Move-on, in paid for major newspaper ads, labeled him as "General Betray Us", in spite of his well documented history of Honorable Service to America, and their lack of hard evidence to the contrary, before he uttered the first word to Congress and the American People.
Just prior to the date of the presentation of the report to Congress and the American People; Move-on paid for and enacted a character assassination campaign of the General. This campaign was strategically calculated to kick-off just prior to the General's presentation of the report for the specific purpose of literally "killing the messenger", in a very insidious attempt to re-frame the argument for the eyes and ears of the American people from the assigned results of the report, to one of the credibility and allegiance of the of the General to America, and our Constitutionally legitimate form of government; thereby seriously underarming confidence and belief in the General's findings in the field. This report was his assigned duty, as a high ranking military officer with vast command experience. It is beyond rational comprehension that anyone could question the man's loyalty and dedication to service and country, without even having heard what he had to say.
As a Combat Veteran of Vietnam, as well as a past Regional Coordinator (1972-1974) of Vietnam Veterans Against The War, I am insulted by this blatant, politically motivated disrespect of an American fighting man, despite his political party affiliation…whatever happened to “Honor the warrior, not the war…”? But, that’s what political spin-miesters do; cloud up the Truth and attempt to re-frame the argument (Lakoff/Don't Think of an Elephant) with this kind of despicable rhetoric, rather than with factual reporting and empirical documentation of their assertions that he lied in his report to Congress on behalf of the Bush administration. If I am wrong about all of this; me your evidence, for mine and the American People's consideration, that this man betrayed his country, his service, or the American People's trust...and I will apologize, right here on these very pages, to you, and all who have read this, and take issue with it. But don't respond with rhetoric; bring facts to the table for debate.
In my humble opinion; the American Peoples' response to should be “Put up, or shut-up". Show me the facts, or some hard evidence of wrong doing and betrayal, otherwise; put a public apology to General Patreaus and the American People in the very same newspapers that you paid to print your libelous and politically inflammatory political rhetoric. You know; the one everybody's talking about; the one that your "organization" produced which portrys General Patreaus as General Betray Us, and accuses him of ‘cooking the books’ for the White House. Oh, yes; I also, unless proven wrong with empirical and pragmatic evidence, believe and will continue to believe that you owe the General a personal and public apology, as well...on all of the news networks, at prime time.
And, finally; I think that you also owe an apology to the American People for attempting to color and influence the American Peoples perspective on the Truth of this critical national issue. This report is too important to America’s future to be the subject of political machinations, from either side of the aisle, or from political operatives from either Party. Hello! It is our very future as a nation that is at stake, here, folks. We better examine the FACTS before we act, and given the fervor and dedication of the jihadists; we better get it right, before we act or speak as a nation, or allow others to speak for us, without regards for empirical and pragmatic Truth. if the report is factually wrong; demonstrate your evidence, don't assassinate the reporter.
Like the Swift Boat Veterans (Not So Swift Vets or NSSVs, in VetSpeak-ese), who coincidentally are still in business under the guise (see Cyber-camouflage) of Vets for Freedom, fronted by an Iraq Veteran named Wade Zirkle; believes that if they say something loud enough and often enough, it will become truth...facts be damned! These are the very same despicable tactics the Republican Party and the NSSVs used to undermine John Kerry’s campaign as a Presidential candidate, last time around. On either side of the vast political divide between "Conservative" and "Liberal"; "Swiftboating" (a term in popular use these days for smear campaign politics by 527s) is "Swiftboating"; whether from the left or the right, and should be denounced as such, by all, regardless of political party affiliation.
The NSSVs did this through character assassination and lies regarding Kerry’s military record in Vietnam, and his stand as an anti-war Veteran. This last as a result of his association with Vietnam Veterans Against The War (VVAW), which he, like thousands of other Veterans joined upon his return from a combat tour in-country, Vietnam. That and his speaking out against the Vietnam war before Congress, as a spokesperson for VVAW. This in spite of having Honorably served combat tour in-country, for which he was highly decorated for his actions as a Swift Boat Commander. These were illegal campaign tactics, for which the NSSVs, as a 527 political organization, have since been heavily fined (Swiftie campaign fine). If these tactics were illegal for the NSSVs and the Republican operatives then; they should now be deemed illegal for and the Democrats' operatives involved in the Patreus smear, and they should be prosecuted prosecuted to the fullest extent Constitutional law.
The moral of the story; no one is safe from the minions of Political Correctness, unless they learn to think for themselves...Truth is not about content, it is about context.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Honor The Warrior, Not The War

Jan Allan Rhuman

From the Editor, In response to a posting to the, my friend Jan Rhuman wrote the following. He has asked me to post his response on our pages as well. WH

Dear Sir/Madame,
I am respectfully submitting the letter below in response to Mr. Robinsons’ letter regarding “Those who oppose Bush, oppose the troops” of Sept. 20. I am aware that it is 485 words, almost twice your preferred limit, but feel that the topic of “Free Speech” in our public discourse is, at this point in time, of critical importance to all Americans. Edit as I did time and again this was as short and concise as I could be. I hope that you find it worthy of publication. Thank you.
Sincerely, JAR:

I’m compelled to respond to Mr. Timothy D. Robinsons’ letter “Those who oppose Bush, oppose troops” in the September 20 issue.

In my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth. As a United States Marine who served two tours in South Viet Nam, back to back, on the ground in I Corps from Sept. 1966 to May 1968, I too am “someone with military experience”.

I’m reminded of the saying, by Voltaire, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” A sentiment I took to heart when I swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America. Fredrick Douglas said, “Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants.” Mr. Robinsons’ statement is an attempt to marginalize and question the patriotism of those with whom he disagrees and it leads me to question if he has ever read the United States Constitution that he swore to protect and defend and if he has, does he believe it to be an out dated and passé rambling of old fools?

I recall and take solace in what these Founding Fathers, of this great nation, said so long ago: “The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse” and “The truth is, all men having power ought to be mistrusted”, James Madison. “They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”, Benjamin Franklin. And a more contemporary patriot was right on target when he said, “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of the men who goes into battle”, General Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf.

Questioning authority and speaking truth to power is as American as Apple Pie. I fully support our troops. It breaks my heart to watch the news night after night after night and to see the faces of those beautiful young men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for this misguided and failed foreign policy blunder.

While George W. Bush may be the President and thus “The Commander in Chief” I do not support this President and I did not and do not support his illegal preemptive war in Iraq, in violation of all international laws. Quite frankly he’s arrogant, cocky and an embarrassment and unfortunately dangerously deadly for the world, for America and for all U. S. Military personal. I wonder if we, as a people, will we ever truly understand that freedom isn’t free and that “The Price of Liberty is eternal Vigilance”, Thomas Jefferson. I choose to “honor the warrior, not the war” and certainly, not this President.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Some Personal Thoughts on VVAW's 40th Anniversary

Horace Coleman

Forty years ago this year, in 1967, a group of Vietnam veterans who’d met each other at anti war rallies, marches and demonstrations started a group. There were fewer of them then you have digits on two hands. They had ambitious goals.

They wanted to end the war. They wanted to dethrone the politicians and fire the bureaucrats who’d started and continued it. They wanted to change the mindset of the people who supported it, those who had fought in it and those who would be sent to fight it.

Getting the Veterans Administration to acknowledge and provide better treatment for people affected by Agent Orange, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the usual physical ravages of war and improve the sub par treatment and conditions that existed in too many VA hospitals for too many veterans was also a priority.

Forty years, as human things go, is a long time. Four times as long as the Vietnam war lasted. Ten presidential terms. Many marriages, bands and companies don’t last that long. So, when VVAW celebrated it’s 40th anniversary more than a milestone was reached.

More time than a generation (a life time for some) has passed. Styles, economics, politics and different national concerns, priorities and needs--as well as new wars—have come about.

No longer is this “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” It never really was. That statement was just jingoistic and chauvinistic trash talk set to music.

Certainly there are brave and free people here. But an entire nation of them? We’re the land of the some what free where a minority of the world’s brave live. War wimps, not all of them politicians, run and put on the show that an audience of mostly armchair patriots watch.

It’s been that way since the Revolutionary War when there were Tories, people who were for who ever was in the area with force at the time while the basically indifferent were every where.

There VVAW was in Chicago—more wear and less hair for some, varying health ailments for others--people who hadn’t seen each other for years or never met but might have exchanged e-mail or phone calls. Those who were always up for a demonstration or a march and sometimes organized them. The spirit was as strong as ever and the flesh was still willing.

There were those who counseled vets about VA issues, psychological problems or helped an active duty service members (or a relative seeking help for them) with a problem. Those who visited and spoke at high schools, colleges and churches with students and congregations. Or provided literature, showed movies, took pictures, participated in debates, wrote articles or letters-to-the-editor, maintained and edited web sites. Those who organized and participated in stand downs. Those who did some or all of that—and more.

Founding members—like Jan Barry—and living legends like Al Hubbard and Bob McLane were present. Work horses like Jeff Machota were there. Willie Hager showed up with arm loads of a well put together tribute booklet that he and Diane Ford Wood edited and she and Gerald Nicosia funded. Many vets contributed remembrances and shout outs. W.D. Ehrhart, poet / writer, teacher, and anthologist read at a panel. VVAW stalwarts Marty Webster, Ann Hirschman and Ann Bailey were on a panel.

The booklet that VVAW put together for the 40th anniversary was crammed with historic photos, reproductions of newspaper stories, ads and flyers, prose pieces and poems by vets about key events, experiences and issues that happened during VVAW’s existence.

The last panel of the 40th anniversary celebration consisted of Iraq veterans, most of them members of IVAW, Iraq Veterans Against the War, was chaired by Aaron Hughes (president of Chicago’s IVAW chapter). Being last on the program was proper. It made everything else an opening act.

They’re veterans of another dubious war, more ignored than Nam vets because there’s no draft now. Civilian chicken hawks preen and squawk as loudly as politician chicken hawks about the need to protect America. Which doesn’t ask for their precious participation. These veterans are saddled with PTSD the Army too often attributes to “prior existing conditions” it can ignore, inadequate VA service, extended—and repeated—tours in the War Zone, new war related illnesses and diseases. And, a primarily indifferent public that thinks disapproval alone is enough to stop this stubborn stampede.

The Decider has decreed that 62 is `”young” so VVAW will be around for a while.

During the last visit I made to a high school, I said “I’m opposed to stupid wars.” That’s the essence of VVAW. That and changing the poor treatment given war veterans by the country they serve. A soldier can’t be the guard dog that bites any time fools with bad judgment say “Sic ‘em!”

VVAW still stands, “fighting for veterans, peace and justice,” honoring the warriors but not the bad wars. Those are tasks and a legacy I can live with. So can quite a few others.

Rabble-rousing Rhetoric With the Vets for Peace: VfP National Conference, St.Louis, Mo, 08/15/07 Thru 08/19/07

Willie, thnx for writing this; After Action Report: VVAW 40th... I agree w/ you completely... we've got to be there for IVAW... here's my take on the VfP convention last weekend in StL... quite a few VVAWers there too...
Alex T. Primm
Alex, shown here with Panel Moderator, Nancy M. Saunders, at Texas Tech University's 3rd Triennial Vietnam Symposium in 2005, where some Old School VVAW types took on the Swifties regarding the defamation of character of Sen. John Kerry, and the denigration of his service to his country during and after the Vietnam War. It is worth noting that the Swifties were recently fined $300,000 dollars for their illegal campaign practices and fundraising activities. It is also worthy of note that this, for all intents and purposes was the birthplace of As you can see by this article; Alex is still here, Vetspeak is still here, and VVAW is still here. The Swifts are also still here, only they have have since morphed; cyber-camouflaged as the Veterans for Freedom, (Ed. Note.)
Dirty, industrialized and worn-out Mississippi River wastelands may appear an unlikely spot to spend a few days during one of the Midwest's worst heat spell since the 1930s. Even Old Man River has been running low.
We ambled across the murky stream on a venerable stone-and-steel structure known as Eads Bridge, which shook noticeably every time trains or subway cars rumbled along the deck below us. Downstream lies New Orleans washed to sea two years ago. Usually the Mississippi seems deeper, more sluggish, somber and stoic. Our destination; the fetid, or festive, Casino Queen gambling supercenter. It just depends how you look at it.
At 11 p.m. on this Thursday night in late August, the neo-ersatz casino with vast acreage of parking lots appears totally jammed. Inside, a collection of slightly misfit folks hopes for easy jack. Many Social Security checks must end up here. "I couldn't believe it when I drove down from Ann Arbor...", says one vet at breakfast; "All through Indiana it looked like sun and drought had baked everything to a crisp. Breathing was difficult despite air-conditioning in my car. It was almost as bad as the air in that crazy casino. What were they thinking about using this betting parlor hotel as backup lodging for a peace conference?!"
The 22nd annual convention of the Veterans for Peace needed the extra room. It proved to be a popular gathering, as the war in Iraq will not end easily. Talk filled a downtown St. Louis motel's meetings rooms just as any academic conference, but with denser conundrums; Agent Orange. The war in Iraq. Oil. Declining veterans' benefits. 3,705 American active duty combat deaths as of July , 07. The main question: why and how much longer will the occupation of Iraq last? These issues most challenged the 400+ veterans and others who attended the conference.
The good news from this gathering must be the diversity of energies and styles. These fighters will not give up or burn out! About forty years ago I was a regional coordinator for a somewhat similar anti-war effort, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. We sponsored one large successful demonstration in Washington D.C. in 1971 as well as other innovations first implemented by activist veterans. But then VVAW fragmented. Government dirty tricks/infiltrators and ideological in-fighting took a toll, as did a need for regular jobs and return to some semblance of normality. As effective as grass-roots organizing can be, I learned motivating people to fight the government demands an ability to thrive on chaos.
This summer VVAW celebrated its 40th anniversary at a Chicago reunion, but I had time only to participate via I joined the Vets for Peace a year ago out of guilt. I reasoned I had spent the better part of a year while on the G.I. Bill helping to organize VVAW; couldn't I at least find out if this national peace veterans group can now carry it forward? You know, the hope for some realism in foreign policy, rationality, respect for human rights...

From what I could see the VfP may indeed be a healthy if not thriving organization which can pull it off. Talking with representatives from some of their 120 chapters from Maine to the Bay Area, Sheboygan to deep Down South, I learned these community-inspired groups carry on a diversity of activities. With 6,000 members nationally, it's probably more responsive than such huge groups as American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars.
This diversity typified the annual conference. Some workshops dragged on with expected ranting about global imperialism while others used slick multi-media tools to present complex arguments. One of the best was Dr. Dahlia Wasfi who used her skills as a physician to analyze America's continuing reliance on small unit Death Squads first developed during the War in El Salvador. Her work documents many questionable policies now being followed in Iraq.

As much as high-tech gizmos can make military policy issues understandable for a varied crowd such as VfP attracts; old fashioned stump speeches still prove endlessly inspiring. The third night of the conference offered a wide range of speakers at the Public Speakout held in a downtown church.

As former president of the VfP now battling for his health, David Cline more than makes up in soul what he may lack in podium polish. A New Jersey postal worker and union shop steward, Cline offers a simple argument: how can we use weapons, such as Agent Orange or Depleted Uranium, which represent equal threats to the user and target? Of further concern, what is our government's responsibility for cleaning up these dirty weapons used in Vietnam and subsequent conflicts? (Editor's Note: Sadly, Old Soldier David Cline Faded Away on September 15th, 2007. Another legend for the annals.)

Next up, Phyllis Bennis, a progressive think tanker at the Institute of Policy Studies. She makes a decent stab at being a rabble-rouser with punchy sentences, succinct statistics and praise for the vets and anti-war military families as the heart of the movement to end Iraqi occupation. But her analysis lasts nearly a half-hour and squirming sets in.

Then Elaine Johnson takes us back down home. She was one the first of the anti-war moms to confront Pres. Bush for coming to her home state to raise campaign funds while ignoring grieving military families. Her goal now is raising funds to build a local community center at Orangeburg S.C. such as her son envisioned shortly before his Chinook helicopter went down.

As I listen, applaud and catch emotions of the evening I realize what a privilege it is to hear people with all ranges of speaking abilities and backgrounds. This is pure rhetoric. Aristotle should be here.

Trained rhetoricians are not here, nor probably many academics. Who will give professors coming up for tenure or anyone already safely hiding out at some university airfare or release time to support this ragtag army of true believers? Though these folks speak right from the heart, they undoubtedly could use some organizational and p.r. assistance. These groups have no money; there is no benefit in anyone joining. They don't seek help, just an audience to share their anger and frustration. They're sick of the whole bloody military, the useless deaths, the lying, gold-plated contractors, the torture, American mercenaries, innocents death, sickness, poverty, and unemployment on the rise. The night is black, but the light inside this old Methodist church seems all the brighter for a chance to share deepest concerns and hopes.

Steve Jacobs, a Catholic Worker who runs a homeless shelter in Columbia, Mo., gets people laughing and singing. He has a song asking, "Who would Jesus bomb?", and a rap about pigs enjoying fat military contracts.
Two hours into the program the main event arrives. Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Rep. from Ohio, jumps up to the podium. The place goes nuts. They love him. It's not hard to see why Kucinich can be a rabble rouser extraordinaire; William Jennings Bryan could do no better, maybe. His techniques include:
  • Acknowledging the ovation by flashing the peace sign, pointing to individuals in the crowd while clapping and hugging everyone on stage;

  • Citing the great tradition of military service in the nation and his family while saluting all the veterans and families in the room for their often overlooked duty; Referring to 1966 when the anti-war movement against the Vietnam conflict began when most people still supported the war, but within a few years that support evaporated;

  • storytelling about his days as a newspaper copyboy in Cleveland when one of his jobs was to visit families of recent causalities to obtain a photograph of the victim for the newspaper. Always it was in the older, run-down parts of town, Kucinich said. And the one picture usually available would be right on top of the TV set, the heart of the family which had just been torn apart.

  • Yelling and pounding on the podium to ask the crowd to save the nation, join his campaign and visit his website;

  • Coming up with great line: "Why are we bombing bridges in Baghdad when we should be rebuilding them in Minnesota?"

  • Concluding with an idealistic quotation from John F. Kennedy and again calling those who have served in the military to be the heart of the campaign for a new foreign policy and new president.

How could anyone follow such impassioned oratory? Two members of Iraqi Veterans Against the War amazingly next prove able to change and add to the evening's energy. Garett Reppenhagen, a former Army sniper, reads one of his own poems and creates a sense of urgency for ending the occupation. He introduces fellow vet Agustin Aguayo who has unilaterally withdrawn himself from active duty to pursue his case as a conscientious objector to the Supreme Court if necessary.

The two had a spirit of determination similar to what we shared in VVAW when opposing our ill-conceived Southeast Asia adventure. For example, when Pres. Nixon ordered the useless Christmas Eve bombings of Hanoi as a negotiation tactic, we protested by drawing our own blood and throwing it onto a prominent military billboard downtown. We waited to be arrested in the spirit of civil disobedience, but no one showed up. It was too damn cold.

These IVAW vets will do this and more. The Post-Dispatch reported approximately 90 IVAW members went next door to the city's convention center the day after the Speakout to confront military recruiters trying to work the crowd at something called the Missouri Black Expo.

Kelly Dougherty, 29, director of the IVAW and former medic and military police officer who served in Bosnia as well as Iraq, explained the demonstration to a reporter: We want people to know the truth about military service and that it's not always what they say. She pointed out many potential recruits, especially women and minorities, may not realize some consequences of prolonged war in Iraq: increased chances of repeated deployments, extended tours of duty overseas, a call back into war even after an enlistment has expired and difficulty accessing benefits on return.

In addition to vets, other speakers represented Gold Star Families Speak Out; the Guerrero Azeteca Peace Project; the American Civil Liberties Union and Grassroots America for Us. Big and small, the diversity had to inspire others as it did me.

By 10 p.m. I feel effects from this generous filling of words. I decide to amble back across Eads Bridge to get some perspective on the day's heated insights while the Missouri humidity gradually abates. I mull over what the last speaker said, a fellow Ozarker, Tina Richards who has moved from Salem, Mo., to join the anti-war movement in Washington D.C. ; "I owe you my son's life...", is how she explained her commitment to end the occupation in Iraq. "My son Cory had two tours with Marines in Iraq", she tells us..." They were going to send him over again despite severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The movement to end this war and save others from what he went through is the first thing to grab him since being back in the states. I owe you all everything."

This kind of dedication differs from the gamblers' endless routines across the river at the Casino Queen. The bright lights there seem to never fade, but for most the wager is a habit, just a way to pass a little time and maybe win a few easy bucks.

The commitment to end the occupation runs much deeper. I wish I had time to be more involved. No one speaker dominated the evening. All said something powerful. With so many different organizations represented, the VfP seems like a huge, friendly tent. The Speakout was a time to explore as well, as to inspire activists.

For anti-warriors of all kinds, their commitment goes beyond a hope for a quick payback to tumble down by luck. All seem to know they are working not only to save the lives of others, whether American, Afghani or Iraqi, but also their own and those they hold most dear. Two ways of life, habit or choice, follow crowds to the big parking lots of America or search out one's own path. The long- term commitment to the peace movement isn't the easy way. In most respects however it does seem a whole lot happier, spirited and certainly hopeful, than more conventional habits of the heart.

The Sun Times Tribute: Remembering Bill Davis

President of Vietnam Vets Against the War
Year-long tour convinced him it was wrong
September 9, 2007
Larry Finley, Staff reporter
Bill Davis was against war because he had been part of the Vietnam War.

A product of West Virginia farm fields, he joined the Air Force in 1966 in hopes of avoiding jungle battlefields. Instead he ended up a helicopter mechanic at Vung Tau Army Airfield, in Vietnam.

"Very early in his tour he had to unload the bodies from the helicopters," said his wife, Joan. "That's when it hit him. It wasn't something he talked about."
William Hugh Davis, 59, president of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, died of interstitial pneumonia Wednesday in the University of Chicago Hospitals.

Mr. Davis had been an anti-war activist for more than 30 years. He also was a United Parcel Service mechanic, a labor activist and president of Local #701 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

Joined the Air ForceBorn in Baltimore on Feb. 24, 1948, Mr. Davis ended up living with grandparents in West Virginia after his parents separated and divorced, his wife said.
"When the war came, he was from a family that was always in the service," she said. "In West Virginia that's what you did. . . . He didn't get a football scholarship that would hold him and he knew he would be drafted so he chose the Air Force and got assigned to an Army division. Very early on, he decided that the venture was wrong."

His assignments during a year in Vietnam (1968-1969) included servicing aircraft and playing football on a military team, his wife said. He then served for a year in Thailand with the Automated Battlefield Project, an effort to use the latest electronic technology to gather information and to locate and eliminate the enemy.

"He saw what a big country and the electronic battlefield could do to a small country," said Barry Romo, national coordinator for the VVAW. "He saw Vietnamese die. He saw Americans die. He came back determined to make the world a better place. He didn't turn to violence . . . or cynicism, or self-destruction."

After the war, he settled in Columbus, Ohio, near his mother, and attended Ohio State University. He joined the VVAW and moved to the headquarters in Chicago. Here he met his future wife, who was a political activist from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. "We met through political circles," she said. "Some of our fondest moments were selling political newspapers at the steel mills in the wee hours of the day. If we sold two papers, we thought we were successful."

Also opposed war in IraqMr. Davis retired this year as a mechanic for UPS, where he was president of his local, as well as a former steward and chief steward. He was active in the Oak Park Democratic Party and had worked in numerous political campaigns, including that of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington.

He was a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq, his wife said, and a founder of Labor Against the War. He worked with the Iraq Veterans Against the War and was a regular speaker at Veterans Day and Memorial Day rallies, as well as national and international events.

Mr. Davis was a big, burly, bear of a guy whose enthusiasm extended to food and drink, coaching and umpiring in the Oak Park Youth Baseball league, and supporting the Chicago Bears and the White Sox, his wife said.

"I hated football and Bill hadn't missed a Bears game in 25 years, rain or shine," his wife said. "He had season tickets up in the top rows with the spiders. . . . I went to one game. For Bill and me, having a belief that activism can make a better world is what bonded us and kept our marriage strong."

During it all, he never neglected his daughter, Rebecca, or his son, Joshua, who died in 2001 at the age of 18, said his wife of 29 years.

"He always had hope," his wife said. "Not that he wasn't frustrated and angry at the slowness of things, but he always hoped for better."

A memorial service is pending.